How To Survive The End Of The World

how to survive the end of the world

how to survive the end of the world is a question that has been asked and answered by countless people over the years. The truth is, the answer isn't always what we would like it to be. In fact, there are some things we need to prepare for in order to survive rather than simply hope for the best. Here is what you need to prepare for:

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Every day, the news is filled with stories of natural disasters, terrorist attacks, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and other catastrophic events. Even with all of these, many people still ask the question, "How to survive the end of the world?" The answer is simple. Learn to embrace the fact that the globe is going to get older and eventually end. Note: this is simply a fictional explanation for why there will come a time when the planet ends. If indeed it's the end of the earth and you still can access the web to read this article, please pass it along to your friends so they too can prepare themselves.


One of the most important questions about how to survive the end of the world, is whether or not you will be able to stop the impending cataclysm. Many people believe that if they are able to stop it, then they will have truly lived. The perfect bug bomb will kill off every living thing on the planet, as well as cause a volcanic eruption which will spewed tons of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, effectively killing off all life on the surface of the planet.

How to Survive the End of the World


If you do survive the engulfing darkness, there is still one more concern: What will happen to all those beautiful clothes? If you use a nuclear bomb on the human race, you will end up killing everyone you love. How does that sound? Unless you have a very long life span (or are genetically able to live for millions of years), chances are your beautiful wife and beautiful children will not survive. It will be up to the few remaining humans to start looking for a new home for themselves.


The only real way on how to survive the end of the world is by having underground shelters built where they can be safely protected from the scorching heat of the nuclear explosion. You will also need to have weapons which can protect yourself from marauding hordes of zombies and other scavenger hordes. Once your shelter is finished, you will need to activate some kind of escape mechanism in case of an emergency. These mechanisms must be properly insulated, capable of withstanding force once zombies or hordes of angry scavenger invades your land.


When learning how to survive the end of the world, you will also need to learn some survival skills. These survival skills are important because when you are living amongst hundreds or even thousands of zombies, you need to know how to fight and defend yourself against the odds. You do not want to be taken out before your time. You should also learn how to build a camp or a small refuge where you and your family can go to relax and recuperate. Once you have done these, you will be saved from the worst of the Zombie Destruction.


Learning how to survive the end of the world will also require you to get some serious exercise. Zombies love walking and it is best that you take up cross country walking during rainy seasons or whenever there is heavy raining. As the saying goes, " Exercise is the best cure." The heavy footstep sounds will serve as a form of entertainment for the Zombie horde as they trudge forward to finish you off.


As the saying goes: "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Therefore, if you want to survive the end of the world, learn how to protect yourself from Zombies. Equip yourself with a gun or some other weapon so that you can protect yourself from being eaten alive by the living dead. By doing so, you can stay safe and live a happy normal life with your family and friends.

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