How to Get a DBA Name in Iowa

A Doing Business As (DBA) name is a name used to depict a business that operates under another name legally. A DBA is also commonly referred to as an assumed name, fictitious name, or trade name. Acquiring a DBA name is fairly easy in Iowa and can be done by following these simple steps.

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Step 1: Choose a DBA name

The first step is to choose a DBA name and check if it's available. It is recommended to conduct a name search and ensure that the name you have chosen isn't the same or similar to other registered businesses in Iowa. You can conduct a quick search on the Iowa Secretary of State's website to check available business names.

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Step 2: Complete a DBA Name Reservation Form

The second step involves completing a DBA name reservation form with the Iowa Secretary of State. This form allows you to reserve the chosen DBA name for up to 120 days, during which time you should file the appropriate paperwork to fully register your business. You can submit your DBA Name Reservation Form online on the Secretary of State's website.

Step 3: Complete Certificate of Organization for LLC or Articles of Incorporation for a Corporation

The third step is to complete the appropriate registration form for your business entity. If you are registering an LLC in Iowa, a Certificate of Organization form is required to be submitted to the Secretary of State's office. If you are registering a Corporation in Iowa, you would need to file the Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State.

If you are a sole proprietor, you do not need to register a business entity. Still, you would need to file a DBA with the county where your business operates. There is no statutory requirement to register a sole proprietor DBA in Iowa; however, some counties require registration with their governments. To know this, please check with your county government office.

Step 4: Obtain any Required Licenses and Permits

Depending on the type of business you've just registered, you may need to obtain additional licenses and permits to operate legally. Licensing and permit requirements in Iowa are specific to different industries, but generally, the state requires businesses that sell certain types of products or services, such as food or alcohol, to obtain additional permits.

Step 5: Apply for an EIN and Bank Account

An EIN, also known as Employer Identification Number or Federal Tax ID Number, is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to identify your business. It is also required for tax and financial purposes.

Additionally, to increase efficiency in managing business transactions, it is advisable to open a separate checking account, credit account, or any other financial account solely for your business transactions.


Obtaining a DBA in Iowa is an essential element of doing business and growing your brand's reputation within the state. Whether you are just starting and setting up your business in Iowa, or you have been in a marketplace for an extended period, acquiring a DBA name is an important step towards legitimizing your business's marketing and branding activities. Fortunately, the above five steps process make it quick and easy to register and operate legally in Iowa while bearing your DBA.

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